Optimize your YouTube videos to rank higher in YouTube Search

On October 17,2008 TGdaily reported that YouTube has surpassed Yahoo and has become the second largest search engine after Google. Later on March 28, 2001 Times of India reported that YouTube still stands ahead Yahoo and other search engines. This data clearly shows how important it is for you to optimize your videos for YouTube.
Ranking of the first page of Google is indeed difficult and needs lots of efforts. The reason is quite simple. Google search Algorithm is quite complex and considers more than 200 signals while ranking the page. Our meta data has almost no role in search results.

But YouTube still relies on the keywords and description data for your YouTube videos. Following is the priority order that influences the search results:
  1. Video title
  2. Video description
  3. Tags
YouTube search results are highly dependent on Video title. If the search matches with the title of the video, it is surely going to rank higher. So try to use that title that users might put as search query.

Video Description is next influential factor that plays important role in determining the position of video is search result.

Last one is Tags, which are really not that important. If neither Title nor description is found to be similar to the search query then tags play their role. But that is rarest of the rare case. So this three things should be added after giving a bit of thought.

Does HD videos rank higher?

I really don't know but try to make HD videos because they provide better user experience. Further when you would apply for partner program, it would look professional to have HD videos.