How to overcome referral spam problem in blogger blog?

What is Referral Spam?

Few webmaster inject their site URL in blogger stats of our blogs. So we can see their site as referring site in our stats. Just out of curiosity we click on the URL and they get the traffic. This kind of activity is called Referral spam.

What is Google doing about it?

Google knows this issue quite well. When they observe this kind of activity they block them. But webmaster change their behavior which Google blocking system fails to detect and they again start appearing in stats.

So what should Blogger users do about it?

Nothing! Simply ignore those URL. Those URLs are artificially injected in stats because webmasters wants you to see them. Just don't bother about it. It is just URL that appears but no one actually views your site. You are not getting any traffic from those site. It is just a kind of "pollution" making your blogger stats unreliable. If you see Google Analytics stats for your blog you would not see any of those URL reported there. If you don't have Google Analytics installed on your site, you should install it to monitor your traffic sources and other stats about your site. See How to add Google Analytics to Blogger blog?