A website that runs ONLY without internet!

Who else can do such miracle? RAJNIKANT of course! When you visit a website www.allaboutrajni.com you are welcomed with the following message

He is no ordinary man, this is no ordinary website. It runs on Rajini Power
Further users are advised to switch off the internet. This is no joke. Website indeed runs without net connection. This was a tribute to legend Rajnikant from Webchutney. Director of webchutney and founder of desimartini.com.

Website has a background music and appearance that matches Rajnikant personality. Website works on some complex algorithms running in the back-end that keeps an eye on the propagation of data packets between two terminals. The best part is that if you try to connect your net again you get the message:

"Aiyyo! That was unexpected. To keep browsing, switch off your internet," 

So Rajnikant has also made his presence and got his name linked to first web site that runs withOUT net!