How to find real time Insights using Google insight finder?

Google Business launched Google insight finder that would help business people to know about the scope of their product before launching it. It helps them to get the in-depth analysis about the way tread has been and how it has been changing.

Google insight finder answers four important questions for any business market analysis:

  1. What are people looking for?
  2. How are people searching for it?
  3. Where are people clicking?
  4. What are people saying?
  5. What are people watching?

As web has getting exposed more and more to people each day, it accurately describes people interest. Keeping this in mind business managers can use online tools to collect data about their market space quickly and efficiently.

Suppose you want to know about the ice cream brand that you are planning to launch. Google insight finder will answer the above questions in minutes. You can see the treads about searches for ice cream world wide and obviously you will see that ice cream related searches where at peak during summers. You may also get treads about specific region of the world. You can also get information about the particulr search queries that consist term "ice cream" like ice cream maker or "ice cream recipe". This also gives some indication about what people are planning to do? So go a step further - What are people saying? Answer to this will give you detailed information from various blogs, networks and videos where people share their ideas online. This will help you to know why people are looking for "ice cream maker". Lastly you may use adplanner to get information about some particular website related to you business.

Google has explained the usage of Google insight finder in the following video.